About Me

headshot of a lady with pale skin, black, greying jaw length hair. She is wearing a black t shirt and is standing in front of a greed broadleaf hedge

Welcome to my corner of the web, I'm Claire and I like to illustrate things.

I work in pen and ink and with digital media. Sometimes I draw pictures, and I turn these into prints, or bookmarks or stickers - sometimes I design products to help you craft, such as stamp sets, templates or stencils. I'm also deeply interested in surface pattern design, and I'm hoping to bring some of that to life in fabric or paper products. I have a long to-do list.

I live and work in Northern Ireland and I've been in the graphics field forever. I doodled my way through school, went to art college, became a graphic designer, had a few side quests involving interiors and quilting and then I leapt completely and fully into parenthood. 

Once the smalls were all somewhat self sufficient I started a stamp company and it was amazing! I had the best customers and the best community and those folks are very dear to my heart still. One day something happened on the other side of the planet that resulted in my having to close that business. When I sell the film rights to the story, I want somebody really witty to play me, the 'antagonist' will be as-close-to-Robert-De-Nero as budget allows. It's a comedy musical with a resurrection arc, peppered with uplifting tunes such as "Can you feel the quailty-of-that-polymer tonight?" "Hello Doily" "Any die-cutter will do" and "Don't rain on my cardstock"

Meantime, having hibernated for long enough, I'm reviving my creative life by exploring all my options this time round. All the business advice points to 'focus on one thing' but right now, I'm feeling like I'm having a bit of a midlife awakening, so I'm going to go right ahead and explore all the things. Hopefully I'll stumble upon some nice things that you find useful or interesting too. Let's see where we end up together!

Chat soon,
